We were at a friendly gathering when all of the sudden Spencer and I heard grown women screaming and one of them bolted from where she was standing. As soon as someone said it was a bee I thought, what a bunch of girly girls. Well, I take it back, it was a bat!!!!!!! I wish so badly I could have seen the faces as they warned each other.
The first thing I did was get the camera of course! I snapped a few then moved over for a better angle. When the dang thing flew away it went over to the house and me being a bit of an idiot grabbed a dixie cup from off of the table to catch it. I had the cup on the bat but was too chicken to trap it. My heart stopped beating when it got out and flew in between my legs.
That is when we called in the big guns. Spencer was a trained pest control guy for most of the time we lived in AZ so this kind of think doesn't even phase him. We got a ski glove and a pot and tada! The bat was captured and the City of Meridian was called to come and pick it up.

Can you believe how nasty this guy got with me? I guess this is how the paparazzi feels when they are just trying to get a pic to post on the internet for all to see.