We have a baby boy!!!!! Ethan Oakley Ray arrived on the 3rd of January. I will start from the beginning, Wednesday night. Since I was being induced it was really hard to sleep. I was so tired but my brain wasn't. At about 1 in the morning, Spencer says to me, I have a problem. So, what's new. He had some work that needed to be done the next day. He didn't get wind of it until that night so he was in a pickle. I said, do it FIRST thing in the morning, I am sure you will have plenty of time. So, I was up at 4:30 and drove myself to the hospital at 5:3o. We planned on taking two cars because my mom was going to need a car since my cousin was dropping her off at the hospital.
I get into my room around 6:00 and it was time to get hooked up. My nurse couldn't find a good spot for the heart beat so they brought in the ultra sound machine. We then learned that he was slightly transverse, he head was in my left hip. No wonder why nothing worked!!!
They got my IV in and started the antibiotics at 7:00. They turned the Pit on at 7:20. I called Spencer at 8:00 and told him not to worry because the doc was going to have to come and move the baby into position. My nurse told me that my labor was most likely going to be long and hard because he was also sunny side up, his back was against my back. We all know what that means, BACK LABOR. My nurse just said, don't rule out the epidural. You got it lady. So, my nurse, who I am sure felt bad that I was alone, would NOT shut up about her curtains and her daughters car problems. Do you REALLY think I care about this. My contractions were starting to hurt and I was try to get through them while listening. I didn't want to be rude.....whatever. It didn't take long for the "I think I am going to die" feeling to set in. My contractions were in the front, back and in my legs. At 9:15 I asked for something for the pain so the nurse was able to give me Nubian (don't know how to spell it.) It took about 25 seconds for it to kick in and I was asleep in between contractions. After about a half hour of that, I couldn't get on top of my contractions. I didn't have a break in between them and I said, K-I am ready for an epidural. They checked me and I was a 6. In a matter of minutes the guy was in there. I was laying on my side and he asked me to bring my legs up so that I was in a ball. I told him if he wanted my legs moved, he was going to have to do it. In the middle of him doing his thing, I felt the urge to push. So, I have a guy putting a needle in my spine. I am feeling the pressure to push from the babies head. At 10:00 they tell me that my mom is there. She wasn't so sure about being there during the delivery because she didn't want to intrude on such a special experience. Well, she walked in, the nurse told her to come to my side and she was trapped between people, trays and me. I finally called Spencer and to find out where he was. Luckily he was pulling into the hospital parking lot. So much for take your time. I said, "You better run, the doc has is masky thingy on and I am ready to push." Spencer got into the room two minutes later and I started to push. I SO didn't want to push. I was in so much pain and it was only causing me more pain. I started to scream after one of my pushes. My mom started to say "Shhh...it's ok." I screamed at her "Don't you tell me to shhh. This hurts and I will scream if I want to." She didn't say much after that. By my second push, the doctor moved out of the way of the mirror and I could see the progress I was making and I went to town. Two more pushes and he was here. That makes a total of 5 minutes that Spencer was in the room before Ethan arrived. When they said, "It's a boy", I was so excited. If a girl would have come out, I would have said, put her back and find me the rowdy baby boy that kicked the crap out of me for the last three months. So, Ethan was born at 10:24 am Thursday Jan. 3rd. (also my dads birthday) He weighed 7lbs. 11 oz. and measured 21 inches long. The funniest thing is, I didn't even miss a meal! My epidural worked perfectly! I never lost sensation in my legs and I didn't feel my after birth pains. Everything turned out just right. He is here and healthy and one of the most delicious things I have ever seen. I will be doing a photo session soon so be looking out for more pics soon.
Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive. I know that my recovery has been going so well because of it. To sum it up in the most cheesy way I can think of, I can feel the love.