Sunday, June 07, 2009

To all of the Ray cousins:
I have a sneak peak of Tiffany and Tyler's engagement pics on my photography blog.
While I have your attention!!!! I am blocked out of a lot of your blogs, LET ME IN! Please email me an invitation before you make me cry.


Tiffany said...

we just had the chance to look at them and we love them! You did an amazing job, I am so excited to see more! Thank you Thank you!
Tiffany and Tyler!

Jaimee said...

Hey! I haven't talked to you in forever! So I just sent you a blog invite... even if you didn't want it. So Jared and I had our second little girl and we're in need of pictures! She's already six weeks old and we live in Burley now, otherwise I would probably have Mandie do it. Do you ever come through here? my e-mail is Thanks!