HAPPY SPRING! I made this cute little spring decor thingy while my kids played in the backyard. I am so thankful that it is warming up. Ethan sat in the swing outside for 45 mins. That was the first time in about 2 weeks that he has been content for that long. I am thankful for a great backyard and lots of little kids to play in it.
Funny story. I was using the scroll saw to cut this sign out and one of the little boys came to look at what I was doing. He was chatting away and his brain decided to say "my mom is skinny." I said, "yes she is." Because I was in a good mood I decided to bait him and ask him what that made me. He thought for a minute and said, "My mom says we shouldn't say fat." I just about wet myself I was laughing so hard. Lets call a duck a duck! I am fluffy cause I LOVE food and I don't exercise. I was not blessed with a high metabolism. I love to eat the wrong things and the wrong times. Any time that I exercise I end up wetting myself and I don't love to do it anyway. What am I supposed to think is going to happen to my body? Someday, I will lose weight. Someday, but not today!