Tonight, I am sitting at the dinner table with one of my dearest friends in all the land. After the Ray Reunion, my friend Lorie and her kidlets joined me and my kidlets in Pine. We had the entire cabin to ourselves and loved every minute of it. You would think that two women who love to take pics and scrapbook would have had their cameras out the entire time together. We didn't take a single picture while we were up there!!!! I guess we assume that such wonderful memories will be burned into our brains, never to escape!
During the reunion I had my camera out a lot. If I didn't have Ethan in my arms, I had the camera. Sadly enough, it felt like they weighed the same. One of my favorite parts of the reunion was letting Carson be free! He and two "cousins" found a "TP" and turned it into a secret fort. They weren't going to let me up there so I decided to go unannounced. I did manage to take a few pictures and this is one of my favorites. Yes, those are worms that Carson put in the bottom of the water bottle!
I am going to Santa Barbara in the morning to spend a few weeks with Spencer's parents. Spencer went back to Boise last Monday and I won't see him again until next Friday. I didn't realize how long our break apart was going to be! Oy, I kinda miss my boyfriend.