I am alive and kickin'! The kids start school next week and we are all very excited. The schools here are different, K-4. That means that Carson is the second oldest in the school. It feels kinda wierd but we will get used to it. I would just rather be back in Meridian before he attends middle school as a 5th grader.
I wanted to post this pic of my boys. This was a few days before Ethan's first hair cut. Those pics will be posted next.
how precious.
Love it!! I bought my camera today!! I am very excited. Now if I can just figure out how to use it!!
We miss you guys! I hope that Rexburg is treating you well. How is Spencer? Ready to start school? Best of luck! We love you.
Hey one quick question, where would you go for good outdoor pictures around here? I was just wondering. We need ours done and I am not sure where to go. You always had great pictures, can you let me in on your secret? Love ya!
So precious!!
Love your blog!! Just found it, very cute.
I miss you!
love this! miss you!
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