Monday, November 17, 2008

What a fabulous Monday. Mady came home with the most adorable Turkey! Her preschool teacher Miss Janet does such fun projects with the kids. I am so thankful for her energy! I think that we may have to make a turkey family and put them on the plant shelf next year.
After I dropped Mady off, I make my Monday trip to Goodwill. Sometimes if I am lucky, I get to see Trixie. If I haven't told you about him/her, then you wouldn't know about the man/woman that I see there on Monday mornings. For some reason, when I see him/her, it facinates me. The man/woman has boots in every color and every time I see him/her they are a different color. Anyway, last week I saw this buggy there and wouldn't pay the full price. Today, the color tag was %50 off. I was so excited! I am going to restore it and had to get a before picture in. I think this will be the perfect picture prop for 1-3 year olds! I can't wait to post a pic when I am finished with it!

My Madyson turned 5!!!!! It was a really pathetic birthday but she is forgiving. I was sick all day long. It is really hard to make a fabulous birthday cake and be throwing up all day. I surrendered A LOT of control and let the kids decorate the cake. I learned how to make fondant and we had a blast cutting it out. I would rather have them play with fondant for cupcakes or cake rather than cookies. It was easy to work with and I didn't freak out too much while they did it. The cake didn't turn out how it was supposed to me in my head but Mady seemed to like it.

Time to play catch up. For the last few weeks, my time has been spent in fast forward motion. I don't know how I have had the energy to get through the last month, but I have! We went to Rexburg for Halloween. I did a few sessions there and of course celebrated the holiday with my brother and sisters. When we were getting ready to go trick or treating, Ethan threw up so I stayed behind and spent a quiet evening with my sick little boy. Unfortunately, he started the domino effect and just about everyone ended up with the flu bug. Sorry guys! It seems like every time I get to together with my family someone ends up getting sick and shares with everyone else. At least I got some cute pics pre-puke!
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