Friday, April 18, 2008

Carson had his first T-ball game last Tuesday. Oh my, it was a thrilling three innings. He thinks he is such a big shot but he is alone in that thought. If he knew a thing about what he was doing, I might be a bit proud but he is clueless. One funny thing about his team, two of the boys on it are in Madyson's pre-school class. Pretty much how that happened.....Carson it too old for his team and Mady is too young for her class. Either way, it cracks me up!


D and C said...

That is so awesome! I wish I was there to come to his games!!!

kellbell said...

Both my kidlets started this yr too, it is funny! I will have to post about it too. Macie is all girl, she doesnt care about the gaem...kase on the other hand wants to play professionally

Rachel said...

Hey I need your e-mail address so that I can send you an invitation to read my blog. E-mail me at Thanks!

C.B. said...

He may not know what he is doing...but he looks cute in his uniform, so that counts for something.

Lorie said...

HE is too cute! And I am still laughing that he is a Sand Gnat!! I am a little sad that he isn't a Riverdog with Drew!

Anthony said...

I thought when Gabe started playing sports, this would be a defining moment in my life. Scouts from all over the country would come to marvel in this 4 foot phenom. It's all just a pipe dream. He tries hard but when it comes right down to it, he is easily distracted by cooler things sticks and butterflies. C'est la vie!!

Melissa Snyder said...

Those are great pictures. I can't believe how big he is getting. That is fun that you get to get out and watch those fun games. I can't wait until my boys are of age to do that.