Last weekend after a quick trip to Meridian, we also went to Provo. Spencer's side of the family meets up for BYU Homecoming every year. We get to see Grandma and Grandpa Ray and about half of his 88 cousins, with their spouses and occasionally a child or 35. It is a fun get together with all of the "graduated from high school" cousins. It gets bigger and bigger every year! We were lucky enough to stay with Jared and Tamara. It was fun and comfy. We love you guys!
One of the highlights was being able to do some work. I was able to snap a few shots of his cousin Jenica and her fiance Josh. I can't wait to post those. I dropped off my beads and supplies to a new BFF and they had a "Time to Bead" party on Saturday. Thanks Lyric for hookin' me up! I also got to see my work up in the new restaurant in Provo. It is called Pizza Pie Cafe. It is a chain from Craigo's in Rexburg. If you have been over to my site, you will be able to see all of the yummy food that they have. I was SO thankful to be on the maintenance faze of my diet while I took all of those. They have really yummy pizza, pasta and salad buffet that is delicious! I also took some candid shots for them and they have them printed all over the restaurant. I am probably the world biggest nerd because it lit an excitement in me that still has me beaming. It wasn't like they are amazing and stunning shots, they are just what I was able to produce. My favorite is the 3 foot by 6 foot canvas that they had printed up. I love it and am so excited to have been able to be a part of their decor.
Thanks to my little brother Kent! You are the best. Thanks for the opportunity and life time supply of pizza. MUAH!