Last Monday was my birthday. Can I just say that Spencer TOTALLY made up for the last few years. I am a big baby on my birthday. I want the day to be all about me with lots and lots of presents. Well, we have been pretty poor for the first 5 years of our lives and their has always been other things going on so I have pretty much only gotten the shaft for my birthday. The problem is, I pout big time! I ended up sobbing in the Wal-Mart parking lot last year cause I couldn't return some items so I could get some presents for myself. The day was NOTHING about me and I was selfish and angry. This year was very different. I got to spend it with my family and especially my mom. I understand how much she did to bring me into this world so it was nice to be with her. She made me a cute capri sun bag that I LOVE!
So, my ONE birthday wish this year was to go to the coast and take family pictures. My wish was granted with a bonus. A new Digital Rebel! Seriously, I was a little too excited to get it! I wasn't able to study it before we got to the beach so these pictures are OK, but next time, watch out! I have learned a few things and can't wait to learn more!!!!