I still feel like I am moving. You know how you feel when you have been driving in the car for a VERY long time and when you stop, you still feel like you are moving? You do? So do I. We went to Santa Barbara then over to Mesa, stopped in Utah and then finally made it back to Rexburg. It was an awesome trip with 80 degree weather, it was heavenly!
It was a ton of fun to be around Spencers family. They are pretty amazing people and I always feel like I need to be doing more to be better. It is done in a way that doesn't make me feel bad, I just always leave them wanting to be a better person. It was so fun to talk with some of the cousins. When they found out that Ethan is almost 2 they would ALWAYS say, "Isn't this such a fun age?" I followed up with a look of wonder and would say no, have you met Ethan? He is a crazy crazy little boy. Our first day back home and he had A LOT of exploring to do. I have to take back my dirty looks and comments about not having fun with Ethan. He is a funny funny little boy. When I am not wanting to velcro him to a wall, I am laughing and wishing that everyone could see how funny he is.
Today he snuck a VERY yummy treat that we got when we visited our friends cafe Sweet Cakes. He came walking into the living room with his hands behind his back. I got up to take whatever it was away and sure enough he started to run away. The funny thing is, he keept his hands behind his back. I laughed when I saw what he was doing and then of course had to grab the camera. I wanted him to run away from me but he was keeping his eyes on me. I knew that if I opened the front door he would bolt and i could get a picture of him from behind. Thankfully, I know him all too well and it worked out great! I am SO sad that he wasn't wearing jeans because the pic is a little confusing but it doesn't matter, it is still going up on the wall in the kitchen!