Guess who has a little junk in his trunk? I took this pic yesterday, doesn't he look yummy? Ethan is doing so much better. He is over 18 pounds and on the charts!!! He LOVES to eat. He eats solids at least three times a day. I have been blessed with the insight to make my own baby food so that he doesn't break our food budget. I can't even explain how much I love and adore this little boy. He is the spirit in our home that makes it complete. He smiles so easily, it is amazing what a toothless smile can do for you sometimes.
I have TONS to post. Our internet was out for a while and I have stayed nice and busy. I am starting to fill up my calendar with photo session, I LOVE FALL!!!! I was released from my calling as primary counselor and put in as a nursery leader. After being over the nurseries, I am more than happy to serve there. It is a tough job but I would rather be there than anywhere else. Carson has started the 2nd grade and I am so happy to have him back in school. So far he hasn't been to the Principal's office, so the year is starting out great. Mady has been to one day of preschool. I feel SO blessed to have her where she is. I love her teacher and love what she will be doing this year. Mady loves to learn and is SO ready for Kindergarten but missing the cut off by a month. She will be a know it all next year but what else will be new?
I will post lots of fun pics soon! So much to do and not enough hours in the day!