I wanted to post the gift that I gave to my family this last Christmas. My parents and syblings came to my house and it was crazy but fun. Even though everyone said no gifts, I got wind that nobody was listening. We were out of town the week before Christmas and I didn't have the money to buy something awesome for everyone nor the time to make something. As we were driving home from Tahoe, Spencer and I came up with the idea to do this picture. All of these pictures were taken in the year 2006 (except one but that's OK). They are around "The Proclamation to the World" that our church has put out. It is a statment about families and how to be better families. Anyway, I knew that my mom would LOVE it so there you go. You want a present? fine here is your freaking fabulous present. As I had predicted, my mother cried when she opened it. Now and for the REST OF MY LIFE, they will get an updated on every year as their gift from me.
Nevermind the dumb picture at the bottom. My layers were sneaking around on me. :)