Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Poor mister man hasn't lost any teeth yet. The boy will be seven in 2 months. I wouldn't care if his teeth weren't totally rotten, but I want them out! It has been SO hard not to photoshop his teeth so that he doesn't look like a malnourished albino boy. I have only done it a couple of times but isn't that what it is for? Anyway, he has been wiggling one of his top teeth for about 2 weeks now. He must be a bit of a pansy cause he hasn't made much progress. The other day he said to me:

"Mom, how about on Saturday we go to Dr. Pillings office so that he can pull out my teeth."

"Well Carson, that is why I tell you to wiggle them so that you can do it yourself."

"Yeah but isn't Dr. Pilling the one who gets them out?"

"Only when they are rotten. We don't want to do that because then you will owe the tooth fairy money instead of getting money from her. If I have to pay the dentist then it doesn't work the same way."

Confused look on his face. "Fine, I will just have to wiggle them all of the time and never stop."

"Fine with me!"


kellbell said...

heee how funny they are still in! u must email me and tell me how u put that pic of ur baby on the background...i have wanting to do that but don't know how!

Melissa Snyder said...

I can't believe how beautiful your children are. It is fun to read about your cute family. I hope that all is going well. Have fun in Hawaii.

Lorie said...

What a boy! Send him to AZ to visit his great grandpa and Drew will show him how it is done!! ;D

Lorie said...

Oh! If you are emailing Kellbell about how to put the picture on your blog CC me on it too please! I would love to know!

Kim said...

Madi hasn't lost any teeth yet, and it kills her that Cassi got to have one pulled out already!!! Kids are so funny...I keep saying the longer she keeps the little ones in, then her head can grow so maybe her grown up teeth won't look so MONSTEROUS like they do in so many kids!!!

Amy said...

He looks so much older than almost seven to me in this picture... such a handsome guy!!

Ashlie said...

Ashton has lost pretty much all his front he is @ that goofy stage! He has 1 front tooth grown in and it is HUGE!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, if Carson still likes "Miss Olivia," let him see the latest photo of her I just posted on our blog. Maybe she can inspire him to start "wiggling." ~he doesn't look albino...... Hey, I found some overalls at Costco for Joseph. $7.00 It's about time for a reasonable price. If only baby shoes didn't cost the same as mine!!!! ugh!~ oh well...