Sunday, January 27, 2008

You will never guess what! I took more pics of Ethan! He only peed on me this time. It was like a little fountain that splashed up on my legs when it hit the floor. I pretty much just let him finish cause I was just thankful that he wasn't pooping! Cleaning up pee is a breeze especially when he doesn't do it on my backdrops.

This picture cracks my stuff up! The comment on the pic is something that my dad used to say. He thought that all newborns were scary looking (until he started getting grand babies of course.) There have been a few cases where I agree. That is where the phrase, A face only a mother could love, probably came from. If someone ever showed him a pic of a newborn or showed off their baby he would always say, "Now that's a baby." He figured that way he wouldn't have to lie about his opinion. When I saw how this picture turned out, that is the first thing that came to mind. I think when my dad sees this picture, he will print it and put it in his wallet just to see how people will react.


Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Michelle, I laughed outloud at your post. I LOVE the cute little smiley pix! So cute! I love those cute little smiles when they don't really know that they are smiling! ;) So fun!

Ashlie said...

The pics are really cute!! Carson is adorable in the pic with all three of the kids. He looks like a little heart breaker!! I am glad to hear you are doing well, I always look forward to reading your post and looking at your pictures!

Kim said...

I like your that just material??? That last one cracks me up!!!

Lorie said...

LOOK AT THAT SMILE!!! *sigh* too cute!