So last night we were watching TV and saw some lights flashing in our back windows. Spencer went to check it out and it was the Meridian Police Department searching the field behind our house. We looked out the window in the front and this is what we saw. Holy Crap! While this guy was sitting on the curb the police were searching the entire neighborhood. They found a back pack on the neighbors front porch and searched it. Two cops took off in a hurry and the next thing we know, they are patting down a girl and had her in the back of one of the cars. So, this is what we found out this morning. These two criminals were breaking into cars in the neighborhood. Someone called the police and these two took off. The guy ended up in our neighbors back yard and the dogs inside were going crazy at the back door. The guy that lives next to us went to go see what was going on and their was a guy looking back at him. He opened the door to ask what was going on. He got pushed out of the way and the robber hid in the house and they later found his box cutter. My neighbors called the police and they were able to be over there right away since they had already been called. Luckily they don't have any kids in the home, that would have been horrible. The scary this is, I never lock my doors and I mean never. Even after all of that last night, I forgot to lock them. Guess what, not going to forget tonight! So yeah, really scary. I feel blessed that my home and my family were safe. I think I am going to put a pic of Spencer in the front window with a sign that says, This Guy Lives Here.
Oh my COW!!! And I'll add a YIKES to that, how did the Kiddo's handle it? I'm so glad you guys are safe...I'm sure Carson would've whipped a little booty if need be!
I am so glad you guys are ok and he didn't go to your house. It was your dog that saved you! Now you love him, right???
Is your house up for sale yet?
That is crazy!! I can't believe you went and got your camara--that is something I would do! I am glad everyone is safe.
Divide Creek Street, did read that in the paper right? Yes, I guess I did. Thanks for the update on our ghetto street!
Okay! Scary! LOCK YOUR DOORS!!! (pretend like you still live in AZ! Not that you locked your doors here, but pretend!)
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